Singing Guide: Jimmy Ruffin

Singing Guide: Jimmy Ruffin

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Jimmy Ruffin was one of the great soul singers of the 60s, and his vocal technique is well worth studying. He wasn't known for technical perfection or mind-blowing range, but his soulful style of singing is incredibly expressive and powerful. In this article, we'll go over some of the key elements of Jimmy Ruffin's singing style, as well as some practical advice and Singing Carrots resources to help you learn to sing like him.


One of the most distinctive elements of Jimmy Ruffin's singing style is his use of his chest voice. He has a rich, full-bodied sound that is achieved by pulling his chest voice up into his upper register. This gives his singing a very emotional, intense quality that really sets him apart.

To learn how to use your chest voice effectively, check out this video on chest voice singing. You can also use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your range and see where your chest voice begins and ends.


Jimmy Ruffin has very clear and concise articulation, which is a big part of what makes his singing so emotive. He pronounces each word with great care and makes sure that his lyrics are clearly understood.

To improve your own articulation, try finger bite exercises, which help you to be more precise with your mouth movements when you sing. You can also improve your singing pronunciation using Singing Carrots' articulation guide.


What really sets Jimmy Ruffin apart is his expressiveness. He has an incredibly powerful and emotional voice, and he uses it to great effect in order to convey deep feelings of love, heartbreak, and other intense emotions. If you want to learn to sing like him, it's important to focus on conveying emotions through your voice and really connecting with your audience on an emotional level.

To work on your own expressiveness, try listening to some of Jimmy Ruffin's biggest hits like "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" and "Hold On (To My Love)" and really paying attention to the emotions he conveys. You can also try Singing Carrots' practice exercises, which will help you to develop your vocal skills and expressiveness at the same time.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, Jimmy Ruffin is a fantastic singer to study if you want to learn how to sing with emotion and soul. By focusing on his use of chest voice, articulation, and expressiveness, you can start to incorporate his unique style of singing into your own performances. Good luck and happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.